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Shakti Shoji Lamp Tables

Shakti Shoji Lamp Tables are designed to complement and illuminate patio and deck furniture. 


These practical shoji style tables, available only at Shakti Shoji, are made of Western Red Cedar* to withstand the elements.  The material used to look like rice paper is actually a fiberglass material called "synskin" that is remarkably strong and weather resistant. 



Shakti Shoji patio Lamp Tables are designed to sit over low voltage outdoor lights.  They gently illuminate patios and decks with a soft glow and minimal power usage.  Between the light and the delightful designs, Shakti Shoji lamp tables provide a distinctive touch to any patio, deck, garden or balcony.


Panel styles seen above: Bamboo, Crystal Light, Wave, Spiral,  and Traditional. We also do Custom Artistic patterns.

Tops for Shakti Shoji lamp tables are now generally made with tile.*   However, tops can also be made of cedar or Copper Top style. 

As you may have guessed, we like to have fun with the  Shakti Shoji lamp tables.  If there is some design you would like to entertain, please contact us.  Similarly, the tops on the lamp tables can have a mosaic or matching tile that you might like to use.   We consider all options for co-creation at Shakti Shoji.

* Whenever possible, the Shakti Shoji Studio uses " rescued" or "re-purposed" materials, especially with the patio Lamp Tables.  Since cedar is so often used for decks, small but usable pieces are often discarded.

Similarly, both ceramic and marble tiles, which make great lamp table top material, are often discarded at the end of tile jobs.   As an artist and an inhabitant of this planet, I feel compelled to make the best use of these extras whenever possible and practical.  If you have any questions about this green practice, please feel free to inquire. 



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